Environmental Policy

Environmental Policy

It is the policy of Red Eye International Ltd to maintain an environmental management system (EMS) designed to meet the requirements of ISO14001:2015 in pursuit of its environmental objectives, the purpose, and the context of the organisation.
It is the policy of Red Eye International Ltd to:


  • Minimise waste by evaluating operations and ensuring they are as efficient as possible

  • Minimise harmful emissions through the selection of its power requirement and reducing consumption

  • Actively promote recycling both internally and amongst its customers and suppliers

  • Minimise the environmental impact of both production and marketing

  • Meet or exceed all the environmental legislation that relates to the Company

  • Use an accredited program to offset the greenhouse gas emissions generated by our activities

  • Maintain an environmental management system that will achieve these objectives and seek continual improvement in the effectiveness and performance of our management system based on “risk” and “opportunities”


This environmental policy provides a framework for setting, monitoring, reviewing, and achieving our objectives, programmes, and targets.
Reducing our environmental impact is an important part of our values, and to ensure this is fulfilled, all employees receive training to ensure awareness and understanding of our impact on the environment and how it can be reduced.
To ensure the company maintains its awareness for continuous improvement, the environmental management system is regularly reviewed by “Top Management” to ensure it remains appropriate and suitable to our business. The Environmental Management System is subject to internal annual audits.
The EMS is the Environmental Management System, of which this policy, and other supporting and related documentation is a part, and which has been designed in accordance with the specification contained in ISO14001:2015.

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