HomeResourcesA charities guide to email personalisation

A charities guide to email personalisation

15th July 2024 - 6 mins


By Lauren Heckman

, Content Marketing Manager

Personalisation in email marketing is a must, and when it comes to charities there are multiple segments to take account of.

From event participants or volunteers, to donors and shoppers, you need a strategy that targets each group and speaks to them directly, rather than generic campaigns not tailored to anyone.
Sending personalised emails to your database builds a stronger, more trustworthy reputation for your charity.
Using a marketing automation platform that helps to easily create detailed segments and has tools that can dynamically update content to be relevant to each contact will make what seems like a complicated job a breeze.
Asian women with credit card

Your donors expect to receive peronsalised messages

It’s actually expected by your fundraisers and donors to receive communications tailored to them based things such as their fundraising history, previous event participation, donated amount, and any other preferences they may share with you.
They have become more savvy, knowing their data is of value and expect it to be used to give them relevant experiences if they have shared it with you.
Creating messages that resonate with those who receive them will build a foundation of trust, strengthen their affinity and help grow your charity-donor relationships. Especially at a time where household budgets are stretched and trying to increase donations is imperative.
It is tempting to send more communications to all contacts, however having a more concise approach, nurturing your segments with content specific to them is the best strategy to not only build engagement with your audience, but help you along the way to meeting your charity marketing targets.
Plus, using personalisation throughout your email strategy, you are more likely to extend your donor lifetime value.
Man with credit card making a donation to charity

5 key reasons why email personalisation will benefit your marketing strategy


1. Enhanced donor engagement

Sending personalised emails are more likely to resonate with donors because they address their specific interests, preferences, and past interactions with the charity. In turn creating higher levels of engagement with not just your communications but your events also.

2. Increased donor retention

Creating a relationship based on appreciation and recognising donor contributions and the impact their support has had, will help create an affinity to your charity and increase loyalty. Building this strong connection will increase the likelihood of donors continuing to support the charity over time.

3. Improved fundraising effectiveness

Receiving personalised messages that are tailored to the reader results in higher conversion rates and donation amounts compared to generic mass emails.

4. Enhanced donor experience

Personalised experiences make donors feel valued and appreciated. By showing that you recognise their interests it contributes to the overall satisfaction and strengthens the donor-charity relationship.

5. Increased marketing metrics

It has been proven that by using tailoring messaging, not-for-profits can ensure that their emails resonate with recipients which are then more likely to be opened, read, clicked on and purchased from.
There are a whole host of ways you can personalise your email campaigns, and using personalisation at the centre of your strategy is one of the surefire ways to engage your audience and generate the best results.
Asian man and women with credit card

5 key ways you can easily personalise your campaigns for your fundraisers and donors, going past just ‘hello [first name]’!


1. Their location

Particularly for fundraising events and projects, your audience would rather receive messages about events in proximity to them, not all of your events that may be miles away.
Plus, for any pre-event campaigns you can also include contextual personalisation such as the weather in their area, any specific information regarding facilities they would need to know about such as parking or toilets.
All of these elements help make it relevant to the reader and make it hyper-personalised.

2. Their history

Create messages based on their donation history and show them that you value their support. Not only acknowledging their past support, you can also use that data to suggest similar causes or projects relevant to them.
Offering personalised recommendations will help with increasing that donor’s lifetime value.

3. Their milestones

Think anniversary of their first donation or if they have donated for a significant amount of years. This would also work for events such as completion of their first event up to a milestones like their tenth event.
Celebrating small or large milestones reinforces your appreciation for their support.

4. Their recognition

Another core personalisation category is ensuring you are showing support along the way which could include ‘congratulations you completed X miles’, ‘thank you for X donation’, or for ‘raising X amount’. Any way to acknowledge their efforts or support will strengthen their bond and affinity with your cause.

5. Their feedback

Gathering feedback is an essential resource, use it to gather data and feedback on all of your experiences. However, to get the most you need to make it personalised! It is obvious when the same email has been sent to everyone.
To make it personal include their name, and what action they have undertaken and send it within a timely manner to them to set yourself up for the best results.

Get started with personalisation

Overall, personalising emails allows charities to build stronger relationships with donors, increase fundraising effectiveness, and ultimately further their mission to make a positive impact on the communities they serve.
Get in touch with RedEye and one of our marketing automation specialists will go through all the options open to your charity for creating lasting personalised donor content.

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About the author

Lauren Heckman
Lauren Heckman Content Marketing Manager

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