Taking the complexity out of your data

Combine and connect all your customer data into a unified single customer view. Integrate a variety of third-party database sources and enrich further by including layers of behavioural and engagement data.


Providing you the most accurate profile of your customers to drive targeted communications, with precise personalisation.

Uncover richer insights about your customers and their behaviours

Predict and influence what your customers will do next via our Intelligence Suite. Continually learning from your customers behaviours, visual reporting will provide total visibility from campaign insights, throughout the whole customer lifecycle, as well as customised metrics that matter to you.


Easily create powerful and dynamic segments from these insights enabling you to execute targeting that better reflects your customers behaviours, or stage in the lifecycle.

Effortlessly personalise your customer’s multi-channel experiences

Immediately action customer insights into multi-channel campaigns that attract, engage and convert.


Our intuitive journey builder allows you to easily build automated customer lifecycle campaigns that are highly relevant and personalised, across any channel.

Award winning marketing automation technology

RedEye is recognised by G2 as a leader, High Performer and Easiest To Do Business With.

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Dedicated teams to help you succeed from the very first day

From onboarding, strategic consultancy to customer success, our knowledgeable and professional teams help you every step of the way to achieve your marketing automation goals.

What our clients say

Perfume bottle with pink roses

Email revenue up by 72% compared against previous automation provider

“Since moving over to RedEye they have exceeded our expectations with the level of strategic support and ideas they have provided to help grow Fragrance Direct, in comparison to our previous supplier. All of which has helped us see an impressive increase in performance with email revenue up by 72% when compared to what we achieved with our previous supplier.”

Danielle Hardie, Marketing Executive, Fragrance Direct
Couple watching Sky TV

Quick pace needed for Sky's Abandoned Basket programmes

“I really enjoy working with RedEye on Sky’s Abandoned Basket programme. RedEye strive to push the programme forward, always coming up with new initiatives to try. They are also very accommodating to Sky’s quick pace which is essential. I hope we work together for many more years to come.”

Victoria O'Brien, Digital Product Owner Manager

40% increase in email revenue through data-driven marketing automation

“The exponential growth of Travelodge’s CRM programme in the past couple of years has been credited to the sophisticated technology of RedEye’s Contour platform coupled with the skill, creativity and experience of their team.”

Stuart Dessler, Senior eCRM Manager, Travelodge

Automated data-driven personalisation, at every stage of the customer lifecycle

“The flexibility and versatility of the RedEye approach has meant that we’ve been able to join our own cloud-based customer data solutions directly into the platform – this is now powering personalisation in every email that we send.”

Matthew Grisman, Head of Customer Retention, MandM Direct

Interactive and engaging emails that powered long term customer relationships

“I have been very impressed with how simple and intuitive the RedEye platform has been to use. With a small and nimble team, it was important for us to have a flexible and versatile platform that we could rely on to help us to deploy the scale and sophistication of personalised lifecycle campaigns that you might expect from a much larger team.”

Alex van Steeden, Senior eCRM & Insight Manager, Papa John's

Predicting churn to makeover allbeauty’s customer retention strategy

“Since applying the predictive churn model onto our customer database, we have been overwhelmed with the success in not only dramatically reducing customer churn but also increasing sales from those who would have previously lapsed by 414.6%.”

CRM Manager, allbeauty

Travis Perkins used AI and predictive analytics to reduce customer churn by 54%

“We worked with RedEye to implement their Predictive Modeller to help us identify our customers who were most likely to leave. The Churn Model gave us the opportunity to act before it was too late. We saw an 8.8% increase in retention.”

Vicki Nolan, Senior Digital Marketing Manager, Travis Perkins

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Request a call and one of our friendly experts will be in touch to find out a little more about your business and its challenges. We’ll show you how RedEye can help you achieve your marketing goals.

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Deliver exceptional personalised campaigns by using the customer data you already hold - RedEye
HomeResourcesDeliver exceptional personalised campaigns by using the customer data you already hold

Deliver exceptional personalised campaigns by using the customer data you already hold

17th June 2021 - 5 mins


By Danny Price

, Account Director

The power of data for personalisation is becoming more and more imperative in marketing campaign activity, especially within the email channel.

With inboxes being flooded with marketing messages across all sectors, it is important to try and make your emails stand out from the crowd. There are many tactics to entice your customers to open emails, but once they open it’s crucial the content is engaging and relevant.
Effective email personalisation that keeps engagement high and subscribers willing to open your latest campaign cuts across the whole email; the subject line, the copy, the imagery – everything!

Use customer data to your advantage in every campaign

One big advantage is being able to personalise the content of your emails to your customer and prospect base, as this will ultimately enable you to provide them with more relevant content, which in turn will increase their engagement with your brand and ultimately increase the chances of them converting.
There are many ways brands can personalise their marketing campaign activity using the data they hold from their customer and prospect base.
man on bench on phone

Browsing behaviour – such as products viewed but not purchased

Having the ability to pull in content that is relevant to the recipient based on their previous browsing activity, such as products viewed and products abandoned.
RedEye not only use this data to power behavioural activity such as abandon basket or abandon product, but we also include this content within our clients tactical marketing campaigns too, to acknowledge the fact that these customers have completed an action on the site.

Transactional data – a perfect match for loyalty-driving campaigns

Including content within the marketing message relevant to a customer’s previous purchase habits helps increase relevancy and adds that little touch of affinity between the brand and the customer.
RedEye supports many of our clients using this type of data, particularly for those clients that offer loyalty schemes to their customers.
First we include previous purchase history and secondly we also create custom calculations and dynamically pull these into the message to illustrate things such as; total cost savings, or loyalty points earned etc.
These particularly work well within service messages or loyalty renewal campaigns.

Engagement data – use this to communicate with customers on the channel they prefer

If you hold a full history of every marketing communication sent to your customer base across every channel then use this to inform your campaigns!
At RedEye we are able to build up a view of how engaged customers are with each channel and in turn we can adopt a fully optimised engagement strategy to maximise the opportunity and deploy campaigns to customers based on their preferred channel.
This not only increases engagement but also reduces the chance of customer opting out of marketing communications altogether.
women reading tablet

Device data – tailor you messaging based on where your customers are engaging

By tracking customer engagement by device, whether that’s from onsite purchasing, online browsing or how the customer engages with the marketing campaigns you send and deploy, all this data can be fed back into your single customer view.
You can then apply learnings based on behaviour and optimise future campaign programmes as a result.
For example, if we know a customer only ever uses their mobile device to engage or purchase but always chooses click and collect, we can send content that is specifically relevant to their mobile with a creative geared around making the collection experience completely frictionless by removing non-relevant content.

Predictive data – start using AI to do the heavy lifting for you

The most advance feature of data driven personalisation is predictive modelling by utilising all the data sources you hold including behavioural, transactional and engagement data.
Using statistical algorithms that power propensity models to intelligently predict the likelihood of an event occurring in the future to advance your campaigns like never before and wow your customers with relevant content.
At RedEye we have models that cover all stages of the customer journey from prospect conversion to second purchase, through to predicting customer likely to lapse.
man watching mobile

Preference centre data – don’t miss out on asking customers to self profile

In addition to all of the above, offering your customers a preference centre to capture their likes is a great source for personalised content, whether that’s brands, categories, holiday destinations or hobbies/interests.
All of which can be used and incorporated into the customer journey in order for you to tailor content for all subsequent marketing activities.
Just remember the golden rule – never ignore preference data! If a customer has taken time to answer questions on what they prefer to receive you must follow through. The disappointment of receiving generic campaigns when they have selected specifics will leave a worse impression than if you had not asked for preferences at all.
📕 Related reading: In our blog post about contextually-driven personalisation you can learn how to incorporate personalised content into the email creative using interactive content. Many of these content blocks are powered by the use of personalised data detailed above.

Complement personalisation with the following…

There are a number of additional content ideas that work well using personalised data, including:

  • Payment banners: Pulling in the preferred payment type option using previous transactional data
  • Product Recommendations: As well as including basket content, you can also look to incorporate alternative products to promote cross-sell / up-sell opportunities
  • App download: Being able to identify customers who have or haven’t downloaded the app, we can then personalise the email to promote it
  • eGiftcard: If your customers hold a valid giftcard with funds available, this can be referenced within the email content to entice the customer to purchase using those remaining funds
  • Brand affinity: Pull in brand banners for recipients who have either browsed or purchased a particular brand

women in street on phone

Implementation of data driven personalisation is easier than you think

Whichever type of data driven personalisation you choose to implement, making the decision to build your communications around personalisation will be the most effective strategy.
It’s proven to not only increase click rates and sessions, but also conversion and revenue from the email channel.
Many aspects of data-driven personalisation are easy to achieve, it’s all in the data we hold and the segmentation that we build which can then all be dynamically pulled into the email creative.
Now That's What I Call Marketing Automation

Now That’s What I Call Marketing Automation

Customer driven personalisation features as Track 4 in our latest guide; Now That’s What I Call Marketing Automation which showcases some of the best uses of marketing automation which includes these other campaigns…
⭕ Welcome journeys
⭕ Re engagement emails
⭕ Contextually driven personalisation
⭕ Back in stock emails
⭕ Replenishment emails
Download your copy now, be inspired and get to the top of the chart through marketing automation!

About the author

Danny Price
Danny Price Account Director

Start driving more intelligent marketing automation today

Request a call and one of our friendly experts will be in touch to find out a little more about your business and its challenges. We’ll show you how RedEye can help you achieve your marketing goals.

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