Taking the complexity out of your data

Combine and connect all your customer data into a unified single customer view. Integrate a variety of third-party database sources and enrich further by including layers of behavioural and engagement data.


Providing you the most accurate profile of your customers to drive targeted communications, with precise personalisation.

Uncover richer insights about your customers and their behaviours

Predict and influence what your customers will do next via our Intelligence Suite. Continually learning from your customers behaviours, visual reporting will provide total visibility from campaign insights, throughout the whole customer lifecycle, as well as customised metrics that matter to you.


Easily create powerful and dynamic segments from these insights enabling you to execute targeting that better reflects your customers behaviours, or stage in the lifecycle.

Effortlessly personalise your customer’s multi-channel experiences

Immediately action customer insights into multi-channel campaigns that attract, engage and convert.


Our intuitive journey builder allows you to easily build automated customer lifecycle campaigns that are highly relevant and personalised, across any channel.

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What our clients say

Perfume bottle with pink roses

Email revenue up by 72% compared against previous automation provider

“Since moving over to RedEye they have exceeded our expectations with the level of strategic support and ideas they have provided to help grow Fragrance Direct, in comparison to our previous supplier. All of which has helped us see an impressive increase in performance with email revenue up by 72% when compared to what we achieved with our previous supplier.”

Danielle Hardie, Marketing Executive, Fragrance Direct
Couple watching Sky TV

Quick pace needed for Sky's Abandoned Basket programmes

“I really enjoy working with RedEye on Sky’s Abandoned Basket programme. RedEye strive to push the programme forward, always coming up with new initiatives to try. They are also very accommodating to Sky’s quick pace which is essential. I hope we work together for many more years to come.”

Victoria O'Brien, Digital Product Owner Manager

40% increase in email revenue through data-driven marketing automation

“The exponential growth of Travelodge’s CRM programme in the past couple of years has been credited to the sophisticated technology of RedEye’s Contour platform coupled with the skill, creativity and experience of their team.”

Stuart Dessler, Senior eCRM Manager, Travelodge

Automated data-driven personalisation, at every stage of the customer lifecycle

“The flexibility and versatility of the RedEye approach has meant that we’ve been able to join our own cloud-based customer data solutions directly into the platform – this is now powering personalisation in every email that we send.”

Matthew Grisman, Head of Customer Retention, MandM Direct

Interactive and engaging emails that powered long term customer relationships

“I have been very impressed with how simple and intuitive the RedEye platform has been to use. With a small and nimble team, it was important for us to have a flexible and versatile platform that we could rely on to help us to deploy the scale and sophistication of personalised lifecycle campaigns that you might expect from a much larger team.”

Alex van Steeden, Senior eCRM & Insight Manager, Papa John's

Predicting churn to makeover allbeauty’s customer retention strategy

“Since applying the predictive churn model onto our customer database, we have been overwhelmed with the success in not only dramatically reducing customer churn but also increasing sales from those who would have previously lapsed by 414.6%.”

CRM Manager, allbeauty

Travis Perkins used AI and predictive analytics to reduce customer churn by 54%

“We worked with RedEye to implement their Predictive Modeller to help us identify our customers who were most likely to leave. The Churn Model gave us the opportunity to act before it was too late. We saw an 8.8% increase in retention.”

Vicki Nolan, Senior Digital Marketing Manager, Travis Perkins

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7 ways to standout in the inbox this Black Friday - RedEye
HomeResources7 ways to standout in the inbox this Black Friday

7 ways to standout in the inbox this Black Friday

6th October 2022 - 3 mins


By Sarah Sherwood

, Creative Design Manager

Marketers are constantly challenged to standout in a crowded Black Friday inbox. As read times for emails decline as customers are bombarded with marketing messages, how can brands standout and promote engagement with their campaigns?

Sarah Sherwood


Sarah Sherwood, RedEye’s Creative Design Manager here at RedEye knows a few things to help brands overcome an crowded inbox with the answer lying in the use of interactive and personalised content to promote high engagement and cut through the noise of the Black Friday event.
Sarah breaks down her top ways to achieve this with examples from some of the best in the business and RedEye’s own clients.


1. Carousels

Emails are becoming increasingly interactive as an on-going trend away from outdated static creatives.
Carousels offer a visually compelling element to encourage interaction in the form of swipes and tabs to engage a customer for longer, increasing the likelihood of click-through. This also provides brands the ability to showcase more of your product range within one email, vs a traditional static image.
Try using carousels to showcase different sizes, popular offers, trends or categories as part of your campaign. City Plumbing Supplies used this to full effect during their Black Friday campaign.

Email Carousel


2. WhatsApp sharing


Customers during Black Friday want to share the best offers and promotions with family and friends. Try expanding the reach of your campaign via WhatsApp, the UK’s most popular messaging service (Hootsuite, 2019).
Imbed the ability for customers to share vouchers or offers during Black Friday with WhatsApp sharing in your campaigns.
Customers can seamlessly be taken directly from your email to WhatsApp to share vouchers codes or offers with friends, family or groups. An easy way to reach more potential customers through using the advocates of your existing customers.

Whatsapp Sharing

3. Remind Me


Black Friday is an unpredictable time, customers are busier than ever Christmas shopping, putting up the tree or seeing family and friends.
This makes them even harder to pin down. Deciding on the optimal send time is difficult, even with plenty of testing a percentage of customers could miss out.
Remind Me allows a customer to resend a copy of an email to themselves at a date/time that suits them. A ‘Remind Me’ banner is added to your email creative which links to a ‘Remind Me’ microsite.
At this point the customer can select a time and date when they want to receive an email or SMS reminder at a time convenient to them.
The reminder email or SMS is designed to recapture the customer’s attention at a time that suits them, making them more likely to engage and convert from your Black Friday campaign.

RedEye Remind Me

4. Toggle


Toggle buttons can bring your creative to life allowing you to showcase different content based on how the user interacts with your creative. Toggle buttons can be used to allow users to alternate images or change the entire email creatives.
Just some of the ways you could use a toggle button over Black Friday could include displaying different products or colours, allowing customers to select whether they are buying for themselves or gifting, or perhaps just toggle to unlock the Black Friday prices.
In the below example, customers can toggle between products for themselves or their home using the toggle button.

Email Toggle


5. Dynamic & Behavioural Content


Many marketers are overwhelmed with the level of dynamic content that can be used to personalise an email creative.
Define a library of dynamic content you want to use during the Black Friday to make it easier to manage across all of your campaigns. These rules should support what you want to achieve over peak period and drive relevance for your campaigns.
Consider the data you hold at a person level, onsite behaviour (such as last browsed category or item) and segment level and use what will add the most relevance for your brand.


This will then aid your design process to help you consider what elements you should change within your creative, whether this is banners, offers or text changes to closer align and personalise your email to the individual customer.

Dynamic Basket Content in Campaign Emails

6. Scratch & Reveal


Build excitement as the customer reveals your Black Friday offer using scratch and reveal to increase engagement and the uptake of discount codes or incentives. Papa Johns Cyber Monday campaign used this to full effect as customers unlocked their 40% off discount code.


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7. Hotpots


Interactive Hotspots allow customers to interact with images and reveal extra information about product range or features right from within the email in a smart way. This is a more beneficial experience for the customer rather than of being taken away to a website page to find out more.
If that customer is then interested, each Hotspot has a unique link to the product or content on your site to make the purchase experience more seamless.
Hotspots are also fantastic way to promote product ranges with additional information about individual products, or interact to highlight technical product features.
Nest use Hotspots to allow customers to interact with different products from the Nest range. Customers see additional information about the product with a buy now button specific to that Hotspot.

Google Nest Hotspots Email Example

Want to know more about how you can prepare for Black Friday? Checkout the rest of Black Friday content on the links below.

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Request a call and one of our friendly experts will be in touch to find out a little more about your business and its challenges. We’ll show you how RedEye can help you achieve your marketing goals.

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